P3 Date published 26 August 1987 :,入 三期星日六廿月八,年七八九一 柳r纽ii2S And 0置夠tes fbrl&urCiiSto麼rs To C7iose Jiangxi is situated at the middle and lower reach of Changjiang — one of the biggest river of China. Its richness of weed has made it a favourable place for rearing ducks and geese. As a natural rich source of raw down, we have been in the export business since 1972. Our down-filled products for export include quilts, sleeping bags, garments etc — a total of 8 varieties and over 300 up-to-date styles. They are soft' warmth-keeping, high pressure resistance and as well as light weight. 江西省地處長江中下游,江河 縱橫,湖泊交錯,水单'i'盛,有利 於鹆鴨生長繁育,羽毛貨源十分豐 富•爲羽織制品的生產提供了優越 的條件• 江西羽織制品出口始於一九七 二年,出口品種主要有羽織被,羽 絨服裝,羽絨枕,羽絨睡袋等八個 大類,三百多個款式,具有保溫• 質輕,柔軟,彈力强和枕壓性能好 等特點• 江西"天蝶"牌男女羽絨服裝 ,做工精細,欲式新顆,名蜚聯邦 德國,意大利,美國,日本,澳大 利亞和香港等幾十個國家和地區, 深受消費者喜愛,歡迎洽購,歡迎 來樣加工. Our Swan Brand down-filled garments are in superb workmanship and fashionable styles. They are well received in The Federal Republic of Germany, Italy, U.S.A., Japan, Austria, Hong Kong etc. We sincerely welcome your trade enquiries and cooperation. China Native National Produce & Animal By-Products l/E Corp Jiangxi Branch Add: Foreign Trade Building, Nanchang, China Tel: 225236 Cable: "TUHSU" NANCHANG Telex: 95047 JXNAT CN -紛》"6!、06、、'、 "白業"牌米粉干 白業牌米粉干是福建省的傳統出口商品之一 ,出口已;jL乾土年的歷史.在國際市塲 上'特别在港澳、星馬和東南亞地區具有較高的聲譽•----- 白業牌來来>干糸遇用使質白朱爲原料'以現代枓學技術精制而成.其色潔白,富有 彈性'松韌適度'炒煮皆宜. — 白業牌米粉干分水粉和炊粉兩類'有粗條、中粗和*^?^—1-種.桐口未粉干、龍岩來 粉干>«水粉類'系粗條型粉干'其它各種米粉干都是炊粉.泉門一級朱粉、度門二級未 粉、度門坎未粉'典化掛米粉、雙塔排來粉、興化餅朱粉糸爭粗條型未粉'興化細未粉 系細條型未粉干• 白梵牌氷来》干WJS^頗多,可以滿足各種用户的需要•龍岩未粉、桐口米来> 、度門一 級來粉、度門二級來粉、/iC門坎來粉、雙塔徘來粉有5 00克、300^L'典化扭來粉 有500克、300克、250克'典化細朱粉有3 0 0克、2 8 4 A等多種現格. 白梵牌未粉干由中國梭油食品進出口總么、司福攻省分么、司發度門、泉州、沐州支么、 司經營. "Egret" Brand Dried Vermicelli "Egret" Brand Dried Vermicelli is one of the traditional export products of Fukien Province with a history of decades. It has gamed high reputation in the international market especially Hong Kong, Macau. Singapore and South East Asia "Egret" Brand Dried Vermicelli is made from high quality white flour, processed by modem technology It's white in colour & elastic, suitable for both cooking & frying. There are two kinds of "Egret" Brand Dried Vermice出:for boiling & frying. It also comes in thick noodles medium thick noodles, and thin noodles. "Tung-Hou" Dried Vermicelli. "Lung-Yen" Dried Vermicelli are both boiling vermicelli of thick noodles, whilst the other dried vermicelli are of frying ones. "Ha-Men" High Quality Vermicelli. "Ha^Men" Secondary Vermicelli. "Ha-Men" Cooking Vermicelli. "Double Pagoda.. Vermicem comes in 500 grams, 300 grams: "Hing^Fa" Thick Vermicelli comes in 500 grams. 300 grams. 250 grams whilst "Hing-Fa" Thin Vermicelli comes in 300 grams 284 grams and others too. 。 "Egret" Brand Dried Vermicelli is managed by China National Cereals Oils & Foodstuff l/E Corp., Fukien branch as well as Ha-Men. Chuanchow & Changchow branches. 中國糧油食品進出口公司福建省分公司 China National Cereals_ Oils & Foodstuffs Imp. & Exp. Corp., 地址:福州巿五四路外贸中心10 —ll廢 FujianBranch 重話:533784 電博:92103 FOODS CN $f,dr