p 25 May 1987 f k 'A、漢入 月五 TAl> Reagent (Tachypleus Amebocyte Lysa,e) TAl_ Is a biological reagent prepared from amebocyte of Chinese horseshoe crabtachypleus tridentatus. TAL Reagent is very sensitive in reacting with p/rogen or endotoxin of gram-negative bacteria to form gelation. It is used for detecting endotoxins contaminated with the parenteral drugs, blologicals and radiopphar-maceyticals, arnj in clinical diagnosis as well as for detecting body fluids contaminated with endotoxins from gram-negative bacteria infections. All materials required (such as normal saline, 0.1N HCI/NaOH and glassware) must be pyrogen.free. Drain 6.1 ml. of saline into TAL containing ampoule, add 0.1 ml. of sample solution (adjust PH to 6.8 — 7.2) and mix thoroughly, negative control drain 0.2 ml. saline only, and for positive control drain 0.2 ml. endotoxin reference solution containing 10mg./ml. put the ampoules into a 37。C waterbath for 1 hour, take out and tilt them to 90'C, and then inspect for degree of gelation. A firm gel may be scored as positive reaction. TAL Reagent should be stored below IO"C. The expiry date is "/z year after delivery. Chinese Standard Reference endotoxin of E. coH 0川B4 in ampoule is supplied on request. 鱟試劑 1. 本品爲生物試劑,對ifL蘭氏陰性細, 菌內毒素或熱原贾冇高敏的凝膠反 應。專fj';注射葯劑、生物製品、同 位素製劑以及臨床腦脊液血、尿等 檢測。 2. 檢測時應使用無菌無熱原質的葯械, 毎安瓿加入生Pfl彌水和被檢品(調 PH至6.8-7.2)各0.1ml,水浴37' C-保 溫一小時,出现照赏凝膠者爲陽性, 同時作空白陰性和內每素陽性對照。 3. 本品在IO' C以下保存,朽效期年半。 4. 大腸杆菌精製內范素刃fji" 最後的晚餐 (特效滅蟑郷螞蟻藥) 用途:本品是誘食、傳染、殺絕嫜螂(曱 山)、螞顿、灶蟋蟀的特效葯。對人畜和家 禽则安全無恙。 用;去:將盒中的葯粉分點投放於嫜榔即 (曱甴,')、螞顿、灶蟋蟀活動的地方,讓 其自動取食,只要其中一隻食到葯物, 便會傳染同羣。施葯三天後,所有同羣 甲由、螞级等如傳染上瘟疫而全部繼續 死亡。用葯七天後,如其他地方仍有上 述害虫活動,則蹈不同羣體,需繼繽投 葯誘殺。 注意:防止吸潮。 "Uist Dinner" (A Special Pesticide For Cockroaches And Ants) D,recllon For Use: Uses: This is a specific drug for luring. Infecting and wiping out cockroaches, ants, range crickets, etc., but it is safe to human beings, livestock and poultry. Method: Place each box of medicinal powder at a number of points where cockroaches, ants and range crickets haunt so as to let them to eat it for themselves. Provided one of them takes the medicinal powder, the effect will be infected to the same colony and the whole colony of cockroaches or ants will die one after another as if infected by a pestilence 3 days after the use of the drug. " there is any activity of theabove mentioned pests at other places, they must be of different colonies' so it is required to continue the use of this drug there In order to lure and kill them. Notes: Prevent the absorption of moisture. 中國藥保健品進出口公司廣西分公司 CHINA NATIONAL MEDICINES AND HEALTH PRODUCTS IMPORT AND EXPORT CORPORATION GUANGXI BRANCH 地址:廣西南审市七星路電掛:6829 電話:26689 27690 楚傳:48128 MEHEC CN Qi Xing Road, Nanning, Guangxi. China Cable: MEHECOGX NANNING Tel: 26689, 27690 Telex: 48128 MEHEC CN 转點 白芝蔴 頁白之麻 油用芝蔴 :片大純淨 純度率鄉%以上 中國糧油貪品進出口公司湖北省分公司 中國武漢巿趙家條三一九號 CHINA NATIONAL CEREALS, OILS & FOODSTUFFS l/E CORP" HUB日BRANCH 319, ZHAO JIA TIAO WUHAN, CHINA PHONE: 21353 CABLE: "CEROILFOOD" WUHAN TELEX: 40118 HBCOF CN 0 )中國紡織品進出口總公司 ^■■^ J湖北省分公司 CHINA NATIONAL TEXTILES IMP. & EXP. CORP. HEBEI GARMENT BRANCH 目錄.I薩X 目 錄INDEX RAW COTTON 棉 ^乞 COTTON MANUFACTURED GOODS 棉織品 中國紡織品進出口公司河北省服装分公司 CHINA NATIONAL TEXTILES IMP. & EXP. CORP. HEBEI GARMENT BRANCH 地址:中國石家庄巿接場路8號 Address : No. 8 Jichang Road. Shih Chia Chueng, China. Cable : "CHINAGARNT SHIH CHIA CHUANG Telex cthbg CN Tel " 一 地址:中國石家庄市機塲路8號 Address : No. 8 Jichang Road, Shih Chia Chueng, China. 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